

Einstein and Darwin: A tale of two theories - - MSNBC.com:
"What were the consequences in the mid-1800s of saying you didn't believe Darwin? There weren't any, really. But today, with biotech companies, there is no understanding of biology without the theory of evolution. And so if you say, "I don't believe the theory of evolution, I think we were all specially created," you must understand the consequences of it to your own employability.

Now if you don't want to become a scientist, then maybe it doesn't matter. Fine. There are plenty of professions that do not involve scientists. But as I said, the emergent economies are going to be scientifically and technologically driven, with biotech front and center. If you're coming in saying that there was Adam and Eve, you're not going to get past the front door. Because they can't use your knowledge base to invent the next vaccine, the next medicine, the next cure for cancer. That knowledge base does not track into discoveries we know are awaiting us in the halls of biotech firms."

1 comment:

  1. C'mon Stephen - if one (not me as you know, but anyway) postulates that - for example - the world was created old (just the other day in fact) you can believe in Biochemisty, Genetics, Quantum Theory even, and work in those fields and even make advances in them.

    The 'problem' with dealing with 'faith' is that if the other person believes in a truely omnipotent Big Guy, 'evidence' goes out the window - as they can postulate just about anything.

    Or at the more imaginative ones can - although they do tend to be a bit thin on the ground.

    So to a person of faith - God, Biochemistry and Creationism can validly co-exist.

    Pity about the other baggage that goes along with that God stuff 'though. :-)
