
C++ Haiku (from 2013)

In 2013 Microsoft held a "Going Native" event about C++ at their campus in Redmond.  ("Going Native" in contrast to "managed code" which they were pushing at the time [and still do]).

It was a great event - Stroustrup was there which was cool.  But ... major changes to C++ were afoot.  During the event I posted a bunch of Haiku about my reactions to the changes.

One key fact - I couldn't remember if Haiku was 5 7 5 or 7 5 7 and so a number of these have the syllabic rules wrong.  I address that issue toward the end.

C++ has gone insane
Old rules corrupted
New rules incompatible

C++ very subtle
Errors difficult
Please read giant book right now

R-values not nullable
Careful with &&
You must understand details

Never use zero or NULL
Always null_ptr
Except in old lang versions

STL algorithms
Happy with functors
Can you use a lambda here?

Confusing to me
Transparent Operator
Functors - WTF?

C++ language
Compiler does not want help
Unless old version.

Types flow from function
calls to Overloads / Templates, right?
Let compiler work.

Cool new thing voted
into standard for 14
fixes old problem

C++ series
of hacks upon hacks upon
hacks upon hacks up …

(This next one addresses the 5 7 5 vs 7 5 7 issue and even then makes a new one: 5 5 7.)

5 7 5 or
7 5 7
let overloading decide

Too many haikus reverse
direction just like
C++ does again, right?

Well, actually,
I like C++, just, uh,
choose a good subset.

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