
By accident or design, selling T-shirts is big business on Web

By accident or design, selling T-shirts is big business on Web:
"CollegeHumor.com, a site offering jokes and pictures from college campuses nationwide, sells T-shirts that say 'My other shirt has its collar up,' 'What Would Ashton Do,' and dozens of others. Its parent company, Connected Ventures LLC, says it takes in roughly $200,000 in monthly revenue from the shirts, about half of its total income. 'A year from now things could be very different, but for now, T-shirts are a great way to monetize the Internet,' says Josh Abramson, one of the site's founders.

It turns out the T-shirt is a perfect fit for online commerce. It captures the Web's renegade allure and allows surfers to show off their virtual journeys. Easy to make and deliver, T-shirts often cost $15 or less online.

More than 1,500 Web sites now sell T-shirts, says Rodney Blackwell, a Sacramento, Calif., entrepreneur who runs several Web sites. Mr. Blackwell, who began cataloguing the number of sites offering T-shirts in early 2004 for one of his Web properties, tracked just 500 such sites last year before the market exploded."


  1. Interesting home business possibility...

    Happy Cinqo de Mayo! You're freeeeeee!


  2. Thank you, rm. I posted a new version of my 5/5/5 article here: 555 or 565.
