
Slow down there, partner

We have an emergency cell phone for the kids, which hopefull will get very little use. We use Virgin Mobile because when I went shopping for the emergency phone it was the best deal I could find. Basically, for $20 every THREE months, we have emergency phone service, so the kids can phone home, if necessary.

I got impatient when I was adding my $20 today, and hit refresh to find out what was going on with my top-off payment (as Virgin calls it):

Slow down there, Partner. It'll take us a sec to process your request, so give your mouse a rest.

Pretty cool - first, because it's funny, and secondly, because (hopefully) it didn't charge my card twice!


  1. Since you bought those emergency Virgin Mobile phones, what's the range limitation? I have one daughter who's only a year away from being a teen and so an emergency phone might be a good idea. Since you're into Virgin, literally, perhaps you can give me a few insights about portability and usability.

    Also, I'm noticing that camera phones are being used to do shopping comparison by clicking on barcodes (soon RFID in a few years) and whatnot to directly link the brand's website for coupons, deals, prizes, general information..etc. And since Virgin is into cell phones, won't this be another thing for Virgin to try and do? Who wouldn't want your attention (permission based) advertising on a 2 inch by 2 inch "moving billboard" where the number of cell phones outstrips PC and television?


  2. I don't know what you mean by range limitation - it's a cell phone. I think most of the branded phones like Virgin use the Sprint network underneath.

    I hadn't heard about the cell phone being used to look up products on the web via their bar code. I'll look into that - it sounds very cool!

    Most Virgin businesses focus on consumer products or show business so I don't know if Virgin would go into the "look up a product on the web with your cell phone" business.

    -- Stephen
