

My thesis about banking is:

It is impossible to maintain a fractional reserve banking system without universal inflation of the currency.

My wife introduced me to the saying,

"The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply."

Now, "w00t" if my thesis is obvious to you, 'cause I'm done. But for most people I doubt it will be obvious. And figuring out how to express a few currently non-obvious details will take some effort on my part. So this might take a while to fully develop. And I may need to revise my thesis slightly. Most likely I'll develop the full concept over on my main web site, Above the Garage Productions.

And, by the way, if you're of a Libertarian bent, you'll enjoy the excellent articles by Alvin Lowi that I am privileged to host.

And, if someone has already figured this out*, I'd be happy to hear about it. It would save me a lot of effort.

* I mean besides Federal Reserve chairmen.

[Fix - "uniform -> universal". - ht Vincent.]

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