
Guild Wars Sales Hit Six Million!

[2009 04 24 Updated with more links and news.]

IGN: Guild Wars 4th Anniversary Interview:

IGNPC: It seems a bit surreal that we're talking about the fourth anniversary of Guild Wars already. It must be longer for you, though, as the game was in development for a while before its launch, and a concept before then. Just how old is the franchise, technically?

Mike O'Brien: We started developing Guild Wars shortly after founding the company in 2000, so we've actually been working on it for about nine years now. We invited the first external alpha testers to start playing the game with us in April 2002, so they've been playing the game for seven years.

Another fun statistic is that we did the first full build of the game in October 2001, which was 2,750 days ago, and since then we've done 27,500 builds.

Official Press Release: 6 million units!

And Guild Wars is on Steam now! You should check it out if you're not already playing.

Guild Wars is #3 on Steam!

Read Nano-Plasm - you know you want to.

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  1. Congratulations on 4 years and 6 million sold. That's quite impressive.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
