
Bush and War Crimes

© 2008 Stephen Clarke-Willson, Ph.D. - All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Truly amazing. Can a president pardon himself? If not, then passing a bill through Congress won't do it, as Congress can't pardon (I don't believe so at least ).

    The last 8 years have been a real headache for Americans. I voted for Bush, but it was only really because of the alternatives, not for anything that Bush himself is. In retrospect, I'm not sure I can say I shouldn't have voted for the others.

    My biggest beef is not the Iraq war, though I'm not at all happy with the way that has turned out. It's the unbridled spending not only on the war, but for everything. When Clinton left office, he had a balanced budget with an actual surplus that would have paid off the deficit over a (very long) period of time. Bush blew through that. And it wasn't under the guise of correcting a faulty economy. It was just plain lack of restraint. Oh my. Now we're really up a creek with the economy. Too bad we don't have a mountain of money sitting on to help out those in need. Nope, but I guess we can just print more.

    Oh well. I'm not an economist, but things sure look bleak for many people now. I'm just glad that this chapter in history is just about over. Hopefully the next person in office will know how to spend wisely.
