

This is me (25 years ago) with my ARP synthesizer. All things considered, it was a piece of crap, but it was loads of fun to play with. It was a load of crap because none of the components in it would stay in tune for more than 10 seconds.

Stephen and his ARP synthesizer

I haven't fooled with synthesized music for about five years or so, but here is some electronic music I composed sometime in the last ten or fifteen years.

© 2005 Stephen Clarke-Willson - All Rights Reserved.


  1. So, are these tunes MIDI, or actually composed on a synthesizer? Or is that splitting hairs??

  2. There were composed on a keyboard (played live with multiple takes for each instrument), recorded as MIDI, then re-arranged with different sounds, then played back into audio files and then compressed into MP3 files.

    Except for Goth Mar, which was input note by note using music notation software.

  3. Do you still have it?

  4. leave me an email at
    flipside (AT) ono.no as I just skipped by your site and I'm moving on.. Some nice reading. :)

