

Jack Brummet is posting poetry at his blog.

For instance, this one.

I wrote a poem in college. I've been searching for the original but I can't find it.

The poem went something like this:

The Ivory Tower

It glistens from afar

Shiny and inviting




You can see it’s

    c r u m b l i n g

And peopled by ants.

For some reason the professors I worked with didn't like it.

© 2004 Stephen Clarke-Willson - All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, at least you said ants, and not something worse.

    So - today on my blog, a guy named Ralph posted about 10 comments. . .most casting aspersions on my intelligence. I am actually growing to like these poison pen responses more than I do the ones "Love this list" or "Yes. Right on Jack!" But when I get the poison pen ones, then my tendency is to craft a withering, acidic response. And then I am thinking about the idiot instead of something funny, and defeating the whole purpose of my blog. So I have to be more Buddhist-like, or Christ-like "turn the other cheek" and ignore them.

    But then!!! I feel like when you turn the other cheek, you are merely offering them a fresh cheek to slap...
